Sunday 26 September 2010

First of the Season's Old

In a Harvey's pub in Eastbourne yesterday, at the end of our Wealdway walk, my friend and I were surprised to be told by the barmaid that Harvey's Old was on sale. This rich, dark winter beer has always been one of my favourites, and its appearance on the bar each year is always a welcome sight. However, Old is not normally seen until the beginning of October, so finding it on sale a week or so earlier, was a welcome bonus.

The pub we were in was no ordinary one, but was nothing less than the Lamb; by far and away the oldest pub in Eastbourne, and Harvey's show pub to boot. I had wanted to visit this pub for as long as I can remember, but on previous trips to Eastbourne there had either been insufficient time, or other commitments had prevented me from doing so. As I mentioned earlier, the Lamb is the oldest pub in Eastbourne, with parts dating back to the late 12th Century. Inside there are two traditional bars, plus an additional seating area leading off to the side. As befits a building of this age, there are plenty of exposed old beams, all genuine, plus a couple of ancient stone fireplaces. There is also an old, brick-lined and very deep well, now covered with a thick sheet of perspex. The Lamb is situated in the old part of Eastbourne, away from the more modern developments along the seafront. It stands next to the equally ancient St Mary's church, and is well worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

As for the Harvey's Old, it was in top form and one pint was definitely not enough! I look forward to many more over the coming months.

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